Privacy Policy

Privacy and data protection

To review the full terms of use of the website, visit Terms of Use.

5.1 Your right to privacy is important to us. The following terms are provided to explain how we collect and use information about you so that you can make an informed choice about using the Website.

5.2 Data protection

5.2.1 LSE is keen to strike a fair balance between your personal privacy and ensuring that you obtain full value from the products and services it provides, while ensuring that it complies with all protection the Data Protection Act 2018 ('the Act') and the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) affords to you. LSE will hold your personal data securely in accordance with the Act, under which it is fully registered and the GDPR.

5.2.2 The main purpose of the Act and GDPR is to contain the possible threat to individuals from the misuse of personal data relating to them held in manual records or on computing equipment. LSE complies with all requirements of the law on protection of personal data held on computer or in manual records. The same requirements apply to any records held by individual students about identifiable living individuals.

5.3 Collection and use of personal data

5.3.1 Personal data is not stored nor captured through the Website without the prior knowledge and consent of Users. Where personal information is captured (eg through web-based forms for feedback, registration, requests, etc), the User will be informed as to what personal information is being collected, who will use it, and for what purpose(s) it will be used.

5.3.2 Any personal data that you give us will be treated with the utmost care and security. We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as it is still used for the purpose stated when originally requested.

5.3.3 LSE is keen to strike a fair balance between your personal privacy and ensuring that you obtain full value from the products and services it provides, while ensuring that it complies with all protection the Act and GDPR affords to you. LSE will hold your personal data securely in accordance with the Act, under which it is fully registered.

5.3.4 Should you request that we amend or suppress records containing your personal data, we will endeavour to do so as promptly as practical. However, you may receive communications for a transitional period while we process your records.

5.3.5 The Act and GDPR gives you the right to see the personal information LSE holds on you. Please see Data protection for more information, including information on specific privacy policies.

5.4 Cookies

5.4.1 This Website uses cookies - a small piece of information stored on your computer in the form of a file - where strictly necessary for the purposes of making the Website work, for monitoring performance or facilitating functionality.

5.4.2 You may refuse the use of cookies by adjusting the settings of your web browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this Website.

5.4.3 By using this Website, you consent to the use of cookies and use of the data they provide.

5.4.4 For more information, see Cookies.

5.5 Log files

5.5.1 Continuous logs are kept of requests received by the Website's web servers as it is accessed. These logs are used to analyse usage of the Website.

5.5.2 Each log entry includes the internet protocol (IP) address of the client used (typically, though not necessarily, the IP address of the personal computer (PC) used), the type of client used (typically, though not necessarily, the type and version of web browser used), the URL of the page (or object) requested, the URL of the previous page (or object) requested (known as the 'referrer' and could relate to this Website or another), and the reference number stored in a cookie created by the Website (if one exists). LSE logs additionally contain the username used to access restricted areas of the Website. This username is not collected by nor shared with Nedstat or Google Inc.

5.5.3 When video and audio recordings hosted on the LSE website are downloaded, log entries will track the time of download, number of downloads and the geographical location of all UsersLSE is only able to link log entries to individuals where it holds personal data that can be associated with log entries using IP address, username, or reference number from cookies. This is only possible in relation to Users connected directly to the LSE network (ie using an LSE IP address) and Users using an LSE account (ie using an LSE username). We will only use this information to identify you where we are required to by law or where we suspect that there has been a breach of the law or of the Terms of use.